The Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS) organised workshops – Project clinics within the IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Montenegro – Albania 2014-2020, for potential applicants with the supportof Operating Structures of the Programme, European Integration Office in Montenegro and Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs in Albania.
The workshop was held in Podgorica (Montenegro) on 10 July 2018 and in Shkoder (Albania) on 12 July 2018. Overall, 46participants actively participated in workshops, representing national and local authorities/institutions, educational institutions and civil society from the Programme area.
The workshops aimed at developing capacities of potential applicants, especially thosewho were unsuccessful under 1stCfP within IPA CBC Programme Montenegro- Albania 2014-2020, in preparation of project proposals through presentation, discussion and advice on how to properly approach to the fulfilment of the Concept Note, Logical framework matrix and Full Application Form, including the budget. The potential applicants had the opportunity to raise questions related to their previous applications and were provided with the answer in accordance with the application package and guidelines that were used for 1stCfPwithin IPA CBC Programme Montenegro – Albania 2014-2020. Additionally, they were provided with recommendations on how to overcome common mistakes within various sections of the application.
The workshops provided are part of the Technical Assistance to the IPA CBC Programmes Montenegro – Albania and Montenegro – Kosovo funded by the European Union.