Montenegro-Albania 2014-2020

IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Programme

IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Programme
Montenegro-Albania 2014-2020
About the programming
The IPA CBC Programme 2014-2020 between Montenegro and Albania is the result of joint programming exercise work carried out by the participating countries’ representatives, including relevant stakeholders from the central level institutions, local level institutions of the programme area, Chambers of Commerce and Industry, entrepreneurs, and local organisations. A Joint Task Force has been established to prepare and implement the programming document under the leadership of Operating Structures (OSs). Thus, the programme is managed by the Operating Structures – for Montenegro in the Ministry of European Affairs of Montenegro, and for Albania in the Ministry of European Integration.
The programming process started in beginning of July 2013 and continued until end of May 2014. The programme was designed through a consultation process involving local stakeholders and potential beneficiaries from both sides of the border. Questionnaires were designed by the CBIB+ and disseminated by the OSs with the support of the JTS to institutions at central and local level, CSOs, to support the PESTLE and SWOT analyses for the programme and provide one of the indicators for the identification of joint priorities for the cross-border area. Out of 140 questionnaires sent (70 in Albania and 70 in Montenegro), 91 were received back. The overall response rate in the survey was approximately 65%. Clarification interviews were also conducted – 34 in Albanian and 9 in Montenegro. The first draft of the Programming Document was submitted to the Commission on 15 November 2013. During December 2013 two presentation meetings were held with local government representatives in the framework of the Public Consultation Process from the Albanian side in Shkodra and Lezha with 15 participants. On the other side, in October 2013, public consultations were held in Bijelo Polje and around 15 participants were present.
During March-April 2014 a second wider circle public consultation process was organised by the Albanian OS in coordination with the Cross-border Institution Building Project (CBIB+) to present to civil society organisations, universities, civic activists, the second draft document of the programme between Albania and Montenegro in the eligible regions from Albania. Civil society actors and local government representatives strongly supported the thematic priorities selected for this programme and also provided details as regards the needs related to their respective regions that are duly reflected in the programme document. In addition, in order to coordinate the process at national level, a consultation meeting was also organised with the representatives from line ministries in Albania on the thematic priorities and activities proposed in the programmes. The Cross-border cooperation Programme Montenegro-Albania for the years 2014-2020 was adopted on 10th December 2014.
The IPA CBC Programme 2014-2020 between Montenegro and Albania is the result of joint programming exercise work carried out by the participating countries’ representatives, including relevant stakeholders from the central level institutions, local level institutions of the programme area, Chambers of Commerce and Industry, entrepreneurs, and local organisations. A Joint Task Force has been established to prepare and implement the programming document under the leadership of Operating Structures (OSs). Thus, the programme is managed by the Operating Structures – for Montenegro in the Ministry of European Affairs of Montenegro, and for Albania in the Ministry of European Integration.
The programming process started in beginning of July 2013 and continued until end of May 2014. The programme was designed through a consultation process involving local stakeholders and potential beneficiaries from both sides of the border. Questionnaires were designed by the CBIB+ and disseminated by the OSs with the support of the JTS to institutions at central and local level, CSOs, to support the PESTLE and SWOT analyses for the programme and provide one of the indicators for the identification of joint priorities for the cross-border area. Out of 140 questionnaires sent (70 in Albania and 70 in Montenegro), 91 were received back. The overall response rate in the survey was approximately 65%. Clarification interviews were also conducted – 34 in Albanian and 9 in Montenegro. The first draft of the Programming Document was submitted to the Commission on 15 November 2013. During December 2013 two presentation meetings were held with local government representatives in the framework of the Public Consultation Process from the Albanian side in Shkodra and Lezha with 15 participants. On the other side, in October 2013, public consultations were held in Bijelo Polje and around 15 participants were present.
During March-April 2014 a second wider circle public consultation process was organised by the Albanian OS in coordination with the Cross-border Institution Building Project (CBIB+) to present to civil society organisations, universities, civic activists, the second draft document of the programme between Albania and Montenegro in the eligible regions from Albania. Civil society actors and local government representatives strongly supported the thematic priorities selected for this programme and also provided details as regards the needs related to their respective regions that are duly reflected in the programme document. In addition, in order to coordinate the process at national level, a consultation meeting was also organised with the representatives from line ministries in Albania on the thematic priorities and activities proposed in the programmes. The Cross-border cooperation Programme Montenegro-Albania for the years 2014-2020 was adopted on 10th December 2014.