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Building Smart Forests

Building Smart Forests

Grant beneficiaries

Total EU grant: 495,000.00 €
Total project value: 420,750.00 €
Project duration: 30 months

Expected results of the project:

  • Establishing a joint early Forest Fire Detection system;
  • Developing joint risk management;
  • Building capacities for responding to natural disasters in CB area;
  • Awareness raising on Citizens’ involvement in wildfire prevention and emergency preparedness and response to natural disasters.

Target groups: Municipalities of Shkodra and Bar, fire departments and fire-fighters in Shkodra and Bar, Ministry of internal affairs in Montenegro and Albania; volunteers, local population.

Project area: Montenegro – Bar municipality; Albania – Shkodra municipality.

Impact of the project: Improvement of protection and risk prevention management systems in municipalities of Shkodër and Bar.